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About First Steps
First Steps
Two Year Old Provision
Provision for 2-3 year olds at Epsom Primary and Nursery School is called First Steps. We are passionate about providing children with rich and stimulating learning environments both in their classrooms and outside.
First steps children have their own space within the main nursery building and an outdoor area shared with the Nursery children. In addition the children explore the wider school environment visiting the school field, cookery room, enchanted learning and technology suite and the playground.
The ratio of staff is 1 member of staff to 4 children in line with EYFS statutory requirements. Learning through play and exploration is a priority, each child is assigned a key person who ensures the opportunities provided meet their needs.
Topics covered throughout the year include nursery rhymes, seasons, weather, animals, people who help us, transport, dinosaurs and celebrations. Topics are chosen to meet children’s needs and interests but also to link with key events throughout the school year.
We welcome both FEET (Free Early Education for Two Year Olds), funded or fee-paying families.
New and prospective families are invited to visit the school by attending our open mornings in October and November. Alternatively, tours can be arranged by contacting the school office. Simply contact us using the link below.
EYFS Offer BookletEYFS Information Sheet
School Milk
If you would like your child to have milk at school, please see the link for further details.
School milk is available FREE for children under five and around £14 per term for over fives.
About Nursery
Epsom Primary and Nursery School offer high quality, teacher led grant maintained nursery places for three and four year-olds. This includes children who will turn three in the autumn term and will therefore attend nursery for two years.
In our purpose built nursery, which opened in September 2013, we are able to offer 52 places at any one time, which is the equivalent of 104 places across the different attendance patterns. The total number of places offered will depend on the attendance patterns chosen, and the number of parents taking up the full school day attendance model.
Our nursery building has its own self-contained outdoor area. In addition, the children explore the wider school environment visiting the school field, cookery room, enchanted learning and technology suite and the playground.
The ratio of staff is always a minimum of 1 member of staff to 10 children (EYFS statutory requirements is minimum of one to 13). Additional adults support learning and development in the nursery such as a specialist trained speech and language assistant, a cookery enrichment provider, students and volunteers. This means on most days the ratio of adults to children is 1 to 8. We maintain a 1:4 ratio for children under 3 years until they turn of age.
Learning through play and exploration is a priority, each child is assigned a key person who ensures the opportunities provided meet their needs.
Topics covered throughout the year includes seasons, weather, celebrations, animals, people who help us, transport, seaside, dinosaurs, pirates, treasure, kings and queens, space, growth and growing, gardens and minibeasts. Topics are chosen to meet children’s needs and interests but also to link with key events throughout the school year.
To arrange a tour of our Nursery or First Steps please conatct the School Office.
EYFS Offer BookletEYFS Information
School Milk
If you would like your child to have milk at school, please see the link for further details.
School milk is available FREE for children under five and around £14 per term for over fives.
"Children get off to a good start in the engaging early years environment. They enjoy rich learning experiences that help them to make good progress across all areas of their learning."
(Ofsted report July 2019)